Seduction by Eva Rogelj


Brand: Eva Rogelj

‘The mirror signifies the constitution of a fabricated other and that I shall put forward as an instrument of seduction in my place’ – Irigaray.

Due to the desperation to be chosen by man, a woman must constantly project a seductive other in place of herself. This results in ignorance to who the true woman is.

Who am I with a disregard to the seducer I portray?

Dimensions 70 x 100cm.

Estimated Delivery time: 5 – 7 working days

Why we love it

This artworks abstract interpretation of seduction speaks to the complexity of human emotions.


Eva Rogelj is an artist from Manchester, now based in South London. Her work mainly consists of layered acrylic and oils on canvas, studying water and the female form.

Her inspiration comes from historical and philosophical feminist readings, an example being Luce Irigaray’s attempt to deconstruct phallic driven Freudian analysis that deem women as a lack.

Rogelj’s face series explores the many forms of female psychology, while her seascapes aim to provide serenity in liquids where Irigaray claims liquid is the form of womanhood – milk and tears.
